本會也是北美台灣商會 (TCCNA) 和世界台灣商會 (WTCC) 的一部分,使我們的會員能夠在洲際和國際層面開展同樣的交流和合作活動。
Charles C. Chiang, William Chuang and Winston Chen established TACC-NC in 1988 and set a successful agenda for many years to come. We are honored by their great work. We have period ourseleves on making many contributions to our community, such as marketing and management programs and liaison with key business located in Taiwan, among other rapidly growing economics. We have many key speakers, wonderful social functions, and period organizational meetings. TACC-NC has members whose fields include high tech, import export, manufacturing, accounting, law, retail and wholesale distribution.
We at TACC-NC provides the community with a clear and cogent program of fostering the economic prosperity of Taiwan associated business, aiding in the welfare of our members, the growth of our membership, and enhancing our status in the broader community. TACC-NC networks together local business owners and professions. TACC-NC brings together regional and national figures. TACC-NC speak together one language: Success.