Welcome to the Taiwanese American Junior Chamber of Commerce – Northern California (TAJCC-NC)
We are Taiwanese American Junior Chamber of Commerce Northern California (TAJCC-NC). We would like to invite you to join our organization and to our future events, including social mixers, keynote speakers on various topics, job opportunities, banquets, and many more. Furthermore, we are part of Taiwanese Junior Chamber of Commerce North America (TJCCNA), with direct guidance and support from Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce Northern California (TACCNC), Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce North America (TCCNA), and World Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce (WTCC). What this means is, we are not just another local Young Professional Social Group, we are connected to 32 local chambers that are in coalition with more than 3,500 business members in North America. In addition, we also have an extended network across 58 countries, in 162 regions, with over 30,000 members worldwide
website : http://www.tajccnc.org/